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Welcome to Solcast

C# SDK that wraps Solcast's API.


To install the SDK, add the package to your project using the following command:

dotnet add package Solcast



To access Solcast data you will need a commercial API key. If you have the API key already, you can use it with this library either as an environment variable called SOLCAST_API_KEY, or you can pass it as an argument api_key when you call one of the library's methods.

Fetching Live Radiation and Weather Data:

using Solcast.Clients;

var liveClient = new LiveClient();
var response = await liveClient.GetRadiationAndWeather(
    latitude: -33.856784,
    longitude: 151.215297,
    outputParameteres: ["air_temp", "dni", "ghi" ]


When testing or developing, you should use solcast.unmetered_locations so that your usage isn't counted against your plan.

Unmetered Locations still require you to signup for a commercial API key (above).

using Solcast.Clients;

var location = UnmeteredLocations.Locations["Sydney Opera House"];

var forecastClient = new ForecastClient();

var response = await forecastClient.GetRooftopPvPower(
    latitude: location.Latitude,
    longitude: location.Longitude,
    outputParameters: ["pv_power_rooftop"],
    period: "PT5M",
    capacity: 5,
    tilt: 22,
    format: "csv"

For more detailed documentation, visit the following pages:

Module API Docs
Live Solcast.Clients.LiveClient
Historic Solcast.Clients.HistoricClient
Forecast Solcast.Clients.ForecastClient
TMY Solcast.Clients.TmyClient
PV Power Sites Solcast.Clients.PvPowerSiteClient
Aggregations Solcast.Clients.AggregationClient

API Documentation

For more detailed information about the Solcast API, please visit the official API documentation.