2.3 Using pvlib.soiling.kimber to model soiling losses
July 2024 was an exceptional month in terms of irradiance anomalies in North America. In one of Solcast's weekly PVMag publications we have highlighted how irradiance was severely impacted in the north west of the continent by aerosols deriving from the raging Canadian wildfires.
In addition to the reduced irradiance from the aerosol's absorption, another factor to take into account into the overall impact of these aerosols on solar generation is dust soiling as the accumulated particles block or scatter incident light, further reducing power output. The Solcast API allows the user to specify the dust-derived losses:
- in the
parameter effectively captures the non-temperature loss effects on the nameplate rating of the PV system, including inefficiency and soiling - in the
is a user-override for the dust soiling average computed by Solcast. If you specify this parameter in your API call, the API will replace the site's annual or monthly average dust soiling values with the value you specify in your API call.E.g. if you specify a 0.7 dust soiling, your returned power will be reduced by 70%.
In this tutorial we are going to see how we can model dust soiling using the pvlib
python toolbox and Solcast's weather data while trying to see the impact of these aerosols on a site that may have been affected by these wildfires.
First off, install pvlib
#!pip install pvlib folium
import os
import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import folium
from pvlib.iotools import solcast
from pvlib.soiling import kimber
import warnings
We can use one of Solcast's unmetered locations so you don't use up your requests. We choose Fort Peck from SURFRAD sites.
# Surfrad's Fort Peck
latitude, longitude = 48.30783, -105.1017
start, end = "2024-05-01T04:00:00", "2024-08-01T04:00:00"
map = folium.Map(location=[latitude, longitude], zoom_start=5)
folium.Marker([latitude, longitude], popup="Fort Peck").add_to(map)
now let's use pvlib.iotools.solcast
to fetch the hourly precipitation rate.
rainfall_data = solcast.get_solcast_historic(
latitude, longitude,
start=start, end=end,
precipitation_rate | |
period_mid | |
2024-05-01 04:30:00+00:00 | 0.0 |
2024-05-01 05:30:00+00:00 | 0.0 |
2024-05-01 06:30:00+00:00 | 0.0 |
2024-05-01 07:30:00+00:00 | 0.0 |
2024-05-01 08:30:00+00:00 | 0.0 |
To assist in the interpretation of results, we create a new column accumulated_rainfall
with the daily total rainfall, i.e. the total rainfall in the preceding 24h. This matches what the Kimber algorithm does: when this accumulation reaches the cleaning threshold, the soiling rate returns to 0.
We also set up a plotting function to superimpose the accumulation on the soiling rate results.
# the local timezone is UTC - 4 hours
rainfall_data.index = rainfall_data.index - pd.Timedelta(hours=4)
rainfall_data['accumulated_rainfall'] = rainfall_data.rolling(24, closed='right').sum()
def plot(
time_labels: pd.DatetimeIndex,
precip_rate: pd.Series,
precip_daily: pd.Series,
soiling: pd.Series,
threshold: int=15
"""function that plots the precipitation accumulation alongside soiling rate.
time_labels: the datetime values to use for the x-axis
precip_rate: the hourly precipitation rate values in mm/h
precip_daily: the daily sum of precipitation in mm
soiling: soiling rate
threshold: amount of daily rainfall required to clean the panels.
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,5))
# line plot showing the soiling loss
ax1.plot(time_labels, soiling.values*100, linestyle=':', label='soiling loss', color='orange')
ax1.set_ylabel("energy loss fraction (%)", color='orange')
# secondary axis for the rainfall
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
# horizontal line for the threshold
ax2.hlines(y=threshold, xmin=time_labels.min(), xmax=time_labels.max(), linestyle='--', label='cleaning threshold')
# bar plot of the daily sum of the rainfall
ax2.plot(time_labels, precip_daily, label="daily rain accumulation", alpha=0.5)
ax2.plot(time_labels, precip_rate, label="precipitation rate", color='blue', linewidth=0.5)
ax2.set_ylabel("precipitation (mm)", color='blue')
Once we have the rainfall data we can use pvlib.soiling.kimber
to compute the energy loss from soiling, starting from the rainfall obtained and a daily soiling loss rate. More information regarding the algorithm and the parameters can be found in pvlib's documentation.
soiling = kimber(
grace_period=3, # Number of days after a rainfall event
# when it’s assumed the ground is damp, and so it’s assumed there is no soiling.
soiling_loss_rate=0.0015 # Fraction of energy lost due to one day of soiling.
df = pd.concat([rainfall_data, soiling], axis=1)
f = plot(df.index, df.precipitation_rate, df.accumulated_rainfall, df.soiling)
print(f"average soiling loss: {df.soiling.mean()}")
average soiling loss: 0.025438887001810104
As we can see, May and July have rarely experienced enough rainfall to surpass our rainfall accumulation threshold and therefore soiling losses increase throughout the month, reaching a rate as high as ~6% if no cleaning is applied. Soiling rate averages 3% across the period. Lowering the cleaning threshold, e.g. for more tilted panels, will give us a lower rate: with 10mm of rain set as the threshold, the average soiling rate is 1.5%.
soiling = kimber(
df = pd.concat([rainfall_data, soiling], axis=1)
f = plot(df.index, df.precipitation_rate, df.accumulated_rainfall, df.soiling, threshold=10)
print(f"average soiling loss: {df.soiling.mean()}")
average soiling loss: 0.01534742980072379
The Kimber implementation in pvlib
allows specification of manual_wash_dates
. Below we set a biweekly schedule on which our panels will be cleaned, bringing the soiling loss back to zero without starting a "grace period":
soiling = kimber(
manual_wash_dates=pd.date_range("2024-05-15T00:30:00", end, freq="14D")
df = pd.concat([rainfall_data, soiling], axis=1)
plot(df.index, df.precipitation_rate, df.accumulated_rainfall, df.soiling)
print(f"average soiling loss: {df.soiling.mean()}")
average soiling loss: 0.0077790421195647564
The result is that, given our soiling rate assumptions, the soiling losses are 1/3 or less of the losses that this site would have seen during this period if a biweekly cleaning schedule was to be implemented.
You could now take a look at the example 2.1 PVLib - ModelChain with Solcast weather data.ipynb
where we show calculating AC power with pvlib
and you could model the power as a function of the different soiling losses.